Are you my Mommy?

Are you my Mommy?
Are you my Mommy?

Monday, October 24, 2011

My new Love...sorry was a lovely marriage

Actually it is a threesome that I am lusting after...myself, a salted caramel apple, and a caramel apple covered in crushed pretzels.  Mmmmmmm....I need you....I can't live without you....oops a little drool on my keyboard.
I found these ideas on one of my favorite blogs. The Pioneer Woman...She seems so genuinely herself, a bit of blogger inspiration for me.  So, back to my new love affair.  I have 6 days until Halloween, a messy house due to next item, ongoing family illness, work to do, diapers to wash, a playdate, weekly bread baking, disinfectant all purpose cleaner to mix up, a costume to make, and apparently I now need (yep, I mean need) to make these apples.  Just take a look at this picture
my new love.

I know the combinations sound odd, but let me explain.  On family vacation this year, my husband D and I shared a concrete with crushed pretzels in the front seat while Mr. B napped in his carseat in the backseat.  It was so heavenly, soothing all my taste buds.  I regretted "sharing" it with D, although I think my son missing out added a guilty pleasure component to the overall yum.

So, please do yourself a favor and try this.

My husband, D, just brought me a salted caramel (ok, so I won't leave him for a caramel apple).  I thought it was meant as a request to not add another task of making caramel apples to a busy week.  Instead, he said go ahead and make them, "But please don't get the kitchen sticky!" He knows me well and brings me caramels.  He's definitely a keeper.  Thanks D! Love you!!

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