Are you my Mommy?

Are you my Mommy?
Are you my Mommy?

Thursday, January 5, 2012

True Confessions

In my defense, sickness in our house made me weak again.  And, I will say over and over in the motherhood journey, there are so many things I do and you will do that you never imagined. 

Backstory:  I love sourdough and hate the price of yeast and I am a little scientist at heart. So, a little over a year ago, I made my own sourdough starter with only flour and water.  I was curious...yep my sis always said Curiosity Got the Cat when we were see if it would work. Well it did (although first loaf was a hockey puck with good flavor)! So almost all my baking has been of the sourdough variety, with the exception of Mr. B's one year bday banana cupcakes decorated as monkeys...cute I know. :) 

One week ago:  Mr. B got sick with intestinal distress and btw we celebrated the New Year the same way last year. This could be yet another new holiday tradition for my family.  Well when the upper joined the lower end in dispelling all things from his little belly, I threw in the towel and did the white diet.  I had to search the house low and high, but found a bit of risotto and some frozen mashed potatoes from his baby food days.  He LOVES bread, so I gave in and made pure white bread, but I needed it quickly to ward of dehydration.  This meant a regular/commercial yeasted quick bread. 

I am really ashamed about this......and honestly a bit curious. Honestly, I could not stop eating.  My cravings to figure it out continued. How could bread be so void of flavor?  Not yeasty.  Not wheaty.  Add a little frosting and you would happily eat it with a fork for dessert.  So, I asked my husband "Is this what the dreaded Bunny Bread tastes like?"  And the love of my life said, "Yep, except less flavor."  He is funny and cute that way.

The Compromise: I  made, baked, and ate quick yeasted white my nutritious soul!

The Sweet Reward: I am even more motivated to continue making our family's bread with my sourdough starter...and pancakes and English muffins and pizza and waffles and biscuits and cornbread and cinnamon rolls.........Ok I am getting hungry and I already brushed my teeth....mmmmmm


  1. Can you share instructions for a sourdough starter?

  2. Yes, I would love to. In fact, I have been thinking over a whole series of posts on this topic....I really like to stew on things. But, since you are conveniently located, I am willing to share a bit of my starter with feeding instructions. If you own a Joy of cooking and like to be a scientist, I followed those instructions a little over a year ago. My starter is amazing and in fact right now I have a multigrain dough rising upstairs...whole wheat flour, rye flour, millet, sesame, bulghar, a little love, and lots of quiet time alone. Yumm!

  3. If you have more to spare, I wouldn't mind getting a bit of your starter one of these days. We do like being scientists, but after a few failed attempts (and the wasted flour), I'm up for cheating!
