Are you my Mommy?

Are you my Mommy?
Are you my Mommy?

Friday, January 6, 2012

A Special Thanks Goes Out to Global Warming

Yes, I, The Compromising Mother, would like to nominate Global Warming for the Oscar for a beautiful performance today.

Silly.  Sarcastic.  Trite.  Snarky.  Name it what you will, but yep global warming is a real thing.  Look out your window.

Today, we spent the beautiful Spring Winter day in January by going for a run in the park, followed by playing on the playground and in the leaves...and by we I include Mr. B, the mighty 10 pound (I have taken liberty with a bit of rounding here) dog Tony.  This was followed by lunch (ok no different than any other day) and hanging diapers on the line (I am thankful for this one as they need sun bleaching after the recent illness....I will speak no more of this). And I picked large handfuls of parsley and little bits of other herbs including lavender, sage, thyme, and mint to make really hot hot sauce and herby ranch dressing (I have some good friends who will be very happy) Did I mention that all attire is early Spring-ish?  Oh and BTW, it IS January 6th in case you were confused and thought you were reading an old post here.

The Compromise:  Humans are not nice to our planet.  Please take note.

The Sweet Reward:  I did enjoy my day and I feel that we all should because regardless you never know what tomorrow holds....and at least my day was a fairly "green" day, although I could be greener, note my list of aspirations which are aptly named as I will never be 100% what I me a WIP aka work in progress.

And a special mention goes out to the sunshine...always love it no matter the temperature.


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