Are you my Mommy?

Are you my Mommy?
Are you my Mommy?

Monday, June 11, 2012

My Running Partner...

The truth is I have two running partners and a coach (apparently I need lots of help with motivation and accountability). One is invivo and one is long distance.  Let me explain, but I have to backtrack a bit. 

I will start with a confession.  I do NOT like to publicly voice goals until I achieve them, just in case.  This has become an even greater difficulty with complicated daily schedules of toggling a few part-time jobs and a toddler (who is definitely not part-time).  I walked all the time when I was pregnant as this is a preferred activity for me and to keep glucose levels low since I was diagnosed with gestational diabetes at the start of third trimester (this reminds me of a goal to write my birthing story in this blog, so now that I have publicly announced that one please keep me accountable).  Then at 8 months some surprising news came with the plan of bedrest (luckily only partial bedrest at times) to help me reach full term. So after Mr. B was born, I was very eager to get active again.  So, I broke the rules of my trusted doctor and started walking when he was 2 weeks old (I was supposed to wait until he was 6 weeks old...yep, I am a bad patient).  Despite my initial excitement to be outdoors again with a my new Phil and Teds stroller, I only made it around the block (one of those character building moments in life, right?)  Gradually I worked up to walking 1.67 miles at my local park.  After some time, my eagerness and tight schedule led me to try running in short bursts.  You see, running has always been an enjoyable activity for me.  No matter how difficult life is, my brain quiets and turns off when I run, which is significant as my brain never stops thinking, planning, and at times worrying.  Well, then I kept going and started to run longer distances while still pushing Mr. B in the stroller with the dog's leash around my wrist. 

One more important fact about me is that I have never ran in a race since I stopped running track in junior high although I have enjoyed running since then.

Well at about the same time, my mom started running (also not telling anyone for the same reason, like mother like daughter I guess).  Approximately in the fall she decided that completing a road race was her next goal and asked me to be her running partner.  Well, my training partner is Mr. B and his stroller and since Mr. B and my mom are bucket list partners, the decision was an easy one.  The race was added to the bucket list and we all started training in earnest.  My mom lives about 3 hours away, so we encourage each other via phone and computer, and this encouragement has been the most important part of being running partners.  Mr. B now has almost 2 years experience as my running/walking partner in the stroller, so his encouragement is vital, too.  Not to mention that the dog reminds me if we need a walk too.  I like to call Mr. B my personal trainer (he used to sit on my belly while I did crunches) and my running partner. I call Tony (wonder dog) my coach as he will NOT let me miss a run.

Parenthood is full of challenges and unknowns, but I am glad that this particular unknown (can I run again after having a baby) has turned out well.  I have only ever ran and walked while pushing my son in his stroller and together they are just under half my body weight (I think...please don't do the research for yourself).  Thus, on Mother's Day I gave myself a present of running all by myself.  Turns out my unusual training method and partners were fabulous as I was able to run nonstop about 2.5 to 3 times my previous distances.  I felt so good that when I stopped I felt like I crossed a finish line. 

Part 2: this weekend and the day before Father's Day (perfect given what I did on Mother's Day) is my first race and my mom's second.  A 4 mile early morning road race.  I am excited and nervous and a little relieved given I am openly admitting my goal.

The Compromise:  Finding time several times a week to run with a busy schedule.  Running with the extra effort of pushing a stroller.  Having to push even more when my 9.5 pound epileptic dog needs a break and has to ride in the stroller with Mr. B.  Forgetting to do the recovery run after my triumph on Mother's Day which lead to a very sore body.  Running in all weather including thunderstorm one day...oops! Convincing Mr. B that he could wait one more lap to enjoy the playground when I needed to increase my running distance.

The Sweet Reward:  Getting to watch my mom cross her first finish line at her first road race and preparing to cross the second one with her and Mr. B this weekend.  I am so proud to be a part of their bucket list.  Oh and one confession, I was so proud of my mom for crossing the first finish line, I cried tears of joy.

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on making and setting this goal. I've been thinking about signing up to a race to give me some external motivation for more regular exercise. Four miles sounds like I good length -- I'd like something a bit longer than a 5k but shorter than a half marathon.

    Have fun on Saturday!
