Bear with me, I do love a good list...
5. Cooking good food with my mom
4. Finally getting a full night's sleep
3. Mr. B showing his sign language to his cousins...nothing cuter than a pack of little boys signing "tickle" to one another :)
2. Husband, D, driving all over town to find the book, Twas the Night Before Christmas, on Christmas Eve for our family tradition (I forgot it in the packing)
Insert Drum Roll here....
1. On Christmas Eve morning, Mr. B woke up and saw his grandma and without missing a beat said "Grandma" for the first time
The Compromise: Untold time preparing for the holidays including lists, shopping, wrapping, discussions, emails, planning, scheduling
The Sweet Reward: None of the "work" above led to the best parts, which is a loving family together for the holidays...that's when the best parts happened...Smiling again.
Love and Happiness with Unexpected Surprises,
Are you my Mommy?

Are you my Mommy?
Monday, December 26, 2011
Friday, December 23, 2011
Traditions to Soothe the Spirit
As my regular readers know, I have had an emotional time lately and in some ways Mr. B makes it worse. With motherhood comes sentimentalness (yep, I made up that word.....a little hobby of mine). I look at him and wish that he will never know the sadness or pain in the world and instead only the joys, hopes, and dreams. As my wise husband, D, responded the other day...We will protect him from all of it for as long as we can, but then when he finds out, it will be okay...(paraphrased a bit).
Well traditions and family are my answer this year....the soothing my spirit craves. I thought I would share those with you...both new and a way to lighten the mood of my blog and add a little holiday cheer to the world. I am a part of this world like all of you and thus adding happiness is also my duty.
First, old traditions from my childhood. My parents loved the holidays. They could get a bit silly, in the way kids love.
New traditions:
Yep, that did the trick, I am smiling already.
Happy Holidays!
Hug those you love plus some!!!
Well traditions and family are my answer this year....the soothing my spirit craves. I thought I would share those with you...both new and a way to lighten the mood of my blog and add a little holiday cheer to the world. I am a part of this world like all of you and thus adding happiness is also my duty.
First, old traditions from my childhood. My parents loved the holidays. They could get a bit silly, in the way kids love.
- To You, From the gift tag...this was a special present to the whole family...basically if you were holding the gift it was "to you" and if someone else was holding it they also read "to you"...This tradition began in my mom's family when she was younger and is the reason we have so many board games
- Playing games after dinner on any holiday even if we ate later than planned (we are not very prompt :))
- The Ugly Present...invented in my generation during my childhood, yet has been around so long it seems like it began with the universe. This was a specially wrapped present that used all the odd bits and scraps of paper and the ugly bows, such as olive green and fuschia, that always came in the bag of bows. My dad's job was to exclaim over its beauty, while we snickered.
- Rice porridge for breakfast...easy recipe: throw a bunch of rice in big pot, add water, cook all morning while everyone unwraps presents, add water as needed. when cooked through (no time frame at all because longer simply means a little softer) add real butter and sugar to taste. A bowl of this tastes like my childhood memories
New traditions:
- Donate one toy to a charity...and of course take a picture during this...he is so young that so far this confuses him
- Christmas Eve...before bed...Mr. B unwraps one present and it is pajamas from mama and dada to wear the next morning
- Read Robert Sabuda's pop-up book of Twas the Night Before Christmas
- Go to bed and wake up to have a relaxed morning in new pajamas with family
Yep, that did the trick, I am smiling already.
Happy Holidays!
Hug those you love plus some!!!
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Just Sharing My Thoughts with the World
The Compromise: My heart is sad....[swallow hard].........
The Sweet Reward: My standard format seems a bit trite for this, so let me just share my thoughts...that seems a bit more .....something.....
My heart is sad and the past few days the lullaby I wrote (at least I think I did...I hope I am not breaking a copyright here...feel free to share with others, but give me credit and a link back to my blog) Yes, I know that blogs can include sound....good job technology, but trust me here, no one except my son, Mr. B, ....oh and husband, D, who is held captive by the baby monitor wants to hear my vocal cords vibrate. So, here it is in the mostly original form, sometimes I ad lib a bit more. The chorus...well I am not so creative, so I have to put it in there a few too many times and the same logic holds for the non-rhyming format. Lately I am singing it to more than just Mr. B, so I hope you find it meaningful as well.
Go to sleep and good night
Go to sleep my little Mr. B
Close your eyes, Close your eyes
Close your eyes and go to sleep
It is time, It is time
It is time to quiet down
You are safe, you are safe
You are safe right in my arms
I'll be here, I'll be here
I'll be here when you awake
A few thoughts this time of year
Hold everyone who needs it
Check on those who are alone
Be patient and listen to others
A cup of coffee is a kind gesture
Comfort the sad
Accept others...always
Remember it should be a season of joy
So, if it isn't for you find a laughing child
Reach out
Remember to give and to love and that
Others want to give, so receive and be loved.
The Sweet Reward: My standard format seems a bit trite for this, so let me just share my thoughts...that seems a bit more .....something.....
My heart is sad and the past few days the lullaby I wrote (at least I think I did...I hope I am not breaking a copyright here...feel free to share with others, but give me credit and a link back to my blog) Yes, I know that blogs can include sound....good job technology, but trust me here, no one except my son, Mr. B, ....oh and husband, D, who is held captive by the baby monitor wants to hear my vocal cords vibrate. So, here it is in the mostly original form, sometimes I ad lib a bit more. The chorus...well I am not so creative, so I have to put it in there a few too many times and the same logic holds for the non-rhyming format. Lately I am singing it to more than just Mr. B, so I hope you find it meaningful as well.
Go to sleep and good night
Go to sleep my little Mr. B
Close your eyes, Close your eyes
Close your eyes and go to sleep
It is time, It is time
It is time to quiet down
You are safe, you are safe
You are safe right in my arms
I'll be here, I'll be here
I'll be here when you awake
A few thoughts this time of year
Hold everyone who needs it
Check on those who are alone
Be patient and listen to others
A cup of coffee is a kind gesture
Comfort the sad
Accept others...always
Remember it should be a season of joy
So, if it isn't for you find a laughing child
Reach out
Remember to give and to love and that
Others want to give, so receive and be loved.
Sunday, December 18, 2011
The Exclamation Point to My Day
The Compromise: I took some time away from a full day with Mr. B to drizzle white chocolate and dark chocolate and a sprinkle of Kosher salt over popcorn and dip a few pretzel rods in semi-sweet chocolate (sad story that ends in, I ran out of dark chocolate...I might have ate it all recently...shhh don't tell anyone) to enjoy at a holiday celebration...I think I am becoming obsessed with salty, sweet popcorn yum. Is there a 12 step for this one?... Secretly, I hope not.
The Sweet Reward: After a day long exercise session chasing my toddler and finally getting him to dreamy land, I had a pyrex measuring cup coated in chocolate needing cleaning. Far be it from me thepractically perfect compromising mother, to leave a dish unwashed....(sarcasm is one of my favorite perfumes) In a moment of inspiration, I poured in milk and microwaved (ooo, didn't expect a green moment in a chocolate post). To reward myself for doing the dishes dish, I am enjoying homemade hot chocolate while I that is a sweet reward for a compromising mother.
Love always...covered in chocolate,
The Sweet Reward: After a day long exercise session chasing my toddler and finally getting him to dreamy land, I had a pyrex measuring cup coated in chocolate needing cleaning. Far be it from me the
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Mostly a SAHM
I blogged for a long time telepathically...didn't you just love the one I did about how to live through a bad day where the only thing you desire most is a shower by yourself...before I actually began blogging. In those days I liked to daydream (btw, this was before Mr. B was verbal so daydreaming was a wonderful joy unmatched by Calgon). I would dream about silly things like imagining my little bundle snuggled in my arms as a superhero (the power to snuggle into any shoulder and make the bearer of said shoulder become very are getting sleepy very sleepy...oh wait that's me). Or I would dream about real delusions like "hmmm, if I ever do blog what will I call myself?" I know, it's very junior high to spend more time contemplating a title than content...Did I mention I was even more sleep deprived then? I toyed with the name the Mostly Everything Mother, such as Mostly SAHM, Mostly vegetarian, Mostly homemade, Mostly green, Mostly unplugged, Mostly unprocessed, Mostly rested. You get the pattern right? I realized after stewing (a long term habit) that all those adjectives were not my purpose as a blogger. I started wearing the blogger hat to give thoughts, ideas, and courage to others as I forged my journey as a mother wanting to create what I see as the best for my family. So the real story is within the compromises that I make on a daily basis because you can not have it all. Please refer to my self description of my efforts to do everything and my poor kitchen floor (dark brown was probably not the best choice for a clutzy baker). Also, Mostly began to sound very negative to me and I do not feel negative about this journey and the title of mostly sounds like I am failing.
Well, today is another story. I am feeling a little negative, not a crying day, but a heavy heart day. I love staying home with my son. Even on a bad day, it is the best thing I have ever done and it doesn't matter what we do all day; playing at the park or cleaning the house. From the beginning, the plan was that I would work a little bit for so many reasons that I could write a novel (that no one would buy). Today is not that day. Right now, I am working much more than usual, so I am a Mostly missing my son all the time Mother. This awareness, this sadness absorbs me right now. There are, of course, compromises involved (that is my thing right). Not blogging as frequently, my house is not a pretty sight, there are raisins and slivered almonds all over the floor (that happened on D's turn to be mommy today), sleep is hard to get as my thoughts do not quiet easily, and Mr. B misses me, but worst of all he does not miss me as much as I wish. I worked full-time from 3-6 months of his life and oh did he miss me then. I can still feel him nuzzled and cuddled with me all evening on the couch until bedtime. Now he is a toddler running around seeking independence and the next shiny object to stop and say oooo, oooo too.
The Compromise: I miss Mr.B...enuf said.
The Sweet Reward: .....Mr. B has a strong bond with family who helps care for him and well.....I will get back to you, but for now I think I will get a few quality minutes with husband, D. He did clean up the almond raisin snack mess on the floor just now without a word from me. In my house that spells love.
Well, today is another story. I am feeling a little negative, not a crying day, but a heavy heart day. I love staying home with my son. Even on a bad day, it is the best thing I have ever done and it doesn't matter what we do all day; playing at the park or cleaning the house. From the beginning, the plan was that I would work a little bit for so many reasons that I could write a novel (that no one would buy). Today is not that day. Right now, I am working much more than usual, so I am a Mostly missing my son all the time Mother. This awareness, this sadness absorbs me right now. There are, of course, compromises involved (that is my thing right). Not blogging as frequently, my house is not a pretty sight, there are raisins and slivered almonds all over the floor (that happened on D's turn to be mommy today), sleep is hard to get as my thoughts do not quiet easily, and Mr. B misses me, but worst of all he does not miss me as much as I wish. I worked full-time from 3-6 months of his life and oh did he miss me then. I can still feel him nuzzled and cuddled with me all evening on the couch until bedtime. Now he is a toddler running around seeking independence and the next shiny object to stop and say oooo, oooo too.
The Compromise: I miss Mr.B...enuf said.
The Sweet Reward: .....Mr. B has a strong bond with family who helps care for him and well.....I will get back to you, but for now I think I will get a few quality minutes with husband, D. He did clean up the almond raisin snack mess on the floor just now without a word from me. In my house that spells love.
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Happy St. Nick's Day!!!
A day late, I know, but yet another compromisef
The Compromise: Take time in a busy week to make a sweet/salty treat for people you like for St. Nick's Day, which turns out to be a day to work two jobs for a normally SAHM. Thus, the second compromise is blogging about the yumminess one day later when finally recovered from sugar coma.
The Sweet Reward: A great new sweet salty treat, my favorite kind, that is truly addictive, yet no recipe needed.
First, make popcorn in a good quantity...I did at least 3 gallons...I like a lot of people :) and when I make it again, I will like even more people :) Spread/spill the popcorn on a large countertop covered in wax paper.
Then melt some white chocolate or white almond bark. There is a difference, but I like both. I used the bark this time. For my quantity of popcorn, I melted one pound. This was enough to drizzle all the popcorn and create a few bonus pieces with a little more. If you want to make something more candy-ish I would double the amount of coating. Melting in the microwave and stopping to stir frequently works well for me and saves a little electricity. Use a spoon to drizzle over the popcorn. If you want more even coating, stir the popcorn and if you like unique, unevenness just leave it. No matter which you like, sprinkle with kosher salt. Sorry, I do not have a measurement of how much I use. Sprinkle with your fingers as you season other foods, but maybe a little lighter.
Sorry no pic. Not only did everyone gobble it up, but a white on white food means no contrast. Of course, this does make it the ultimate holiday food...think white snow.
A few ideas to step it up a notch
Sweet and saltily yours,
The Compromise: Take time in a busy week to make a sweet/salty treat for people you like for St. Nick's Day, which turns out to be a day to work two jobs for a normally SAHM. Thus, the second compromise is blogging about the yumminess one day later when finally recovered from sugar coma.
The Sweet Reward: A great new sweet salty treat, my favorite kind, that is truly addictive, yet no recipe needed.
First, make popcorn in a good quantity...I did at least 3 gallons...I like a lot of people :) and when I make it again, I will like even more people :) Spread/spill the popcorn on a large countertop covered in wax paper.
Then melt some white chocolate or white almond bark. There is a difference, but I like both. I used the bark this time. For my quantity of popcorn, I melted one pound. This was enough to drizzle all the popcorn and create a few bonus pieces with a little more. If you want to make something more candy-ish I would double the amount of coating. Melting in the microwave and stopping to stir frequently works well for me and saves a little electricity. Use a spoon to drizzle over the popcorn. If you want more even coating, stir the popcorn and if you like unique, unevenness just leave it. No matter which you like, sprinkle with kosher salt. Sorry, I do not have a measurement of how much I use. Sprinkle with your fingers as you season other foods, but maybe a little lighter.
Sorry no pic. Not only did everyone gobble it up, but a white on white food means no contrast. Of course, this does make it the ultimate holiday food...think white snow.
A few ideas to step it up a notch
- drizzle dark or semi-sweet chocolate after white chocolate
- sprinkle on crushed up oreos (idea from anonymous source)
- stir in nuts prior to drizzling
- stir in dried fruits such as cranberries after drizzling and the color contrast will be amazing
- stir in pretzels for extra sweet and salty yum
- first make caramel popcorn then drizzle white chocolate then call your doctor for an insulin shot
Sweet and saltily yours,
Sunday, December 4, 2011
Ginger Carrot Soup...A Great way to warm up
Time has been stretched so thin lately that it is at risk of breaking, so I continue to write blog entries in my head...Effective right? Well, here is one that has been bouncing around so long that I really need to get it out, so I can make room in my head for thinking about important things like how to get caught up on laundry or sleep training (more on that later)....oh so tired.
This recipe is so easy that anyone can fit it into a busy schedule. I do not mind recipes that take a long time as long as I do not have to baby it the whole time...That probably explains my love of baking sourdough (when life slows a bit, I am contemplating a tutorial that makes the process as simple as I can).
Carrot Ginger Soup is perfect for this time of year...As I type it is dreary and rainy outside, a sure sign that Winter is looming. Soup is of course warming and ginger has natural warming properties. By the way, this is one of those recipes that is not clear cut, but more of a cooking process that I am hoping to explain so that you can adjust how you like.
First, decide on one television show you love (I watch only one per week, myself). While watching, peel and chunk up (about the size of a carrot stick from your fifth grade lunch pail) as many carrots as you can stopping when your fingers turn orange and put directly in your crock pot. Actually, I fill mine leaving 1 to 1.5 inches of space. So, for my 5 quart it took 5 pounds of carrots (so I am guessing you can estimate about 1 pound of carrots per quart of crock pot). Now, fill with either vege stock or plain water until the carrots are all just barely covered. If using plain water, add a spice ball with 1 Tablespoon Thyme, 4 bay leaves broken in half, and 20 peppercorns). Cook on low for 8 hours. My husband, D (he is a great sous chef), did all this the night before and refrigerated, so the next morning I basically just put the liner back in and turned on the crock pot. I did add 3 Tablespoons of grated ginger at this point. (If you are not a ginger lover add just 2 T at first reserving the other for adjusting the flavor when they are cooked) When carrots are tender, take out spice ball if you used it and add one can of coconut milk (do not use the light version. You will not taste coconut just get a creamy taste that hits your tongue right after the bright carrot flavor and pungent ginger) and 2-3 Tablespoons of brown sugar (please use real stuff. I have always enjoyed C & H pure cane sugar, affordable and yummy!). blend until smooth using either an immersion blender or a separate blender. I prefer the immersion type for ease of clean up and because its fun!
Eat as is, enjoying the beautiful orange hue or add a dollop of something creamy. We love homemade plain greek yogurt, but I imagine creme fraiche would put this over the top.
And please do not tell people just how easy this recipe is, but then you may need to change the name to something like Carrot Ala I am not so good at the fancy shmancy...I will stick to simplicity...
The Compromise: Orange fingers and so much yummy soup, you will begin contemplating a deep freezer purchase...mine is getting a little full....shhhh don't tell D.
The Sweet Reward: A healthy soup you really can not stop eating...serve it with good bread and everyone will be happy. I just made a new one, Swedish Limpa, which is a rye bread with orange rind, fennel, and caraway. One slice toasted with this soup and I could forget about the dreary outside for an evening :)
PS I think I have a photo somewhere, which I will attempt to locate when I have free hands again.....
This recipe is so easy that anyone can fit it into a busy schedule. I do not mind recipes that take a long time as long as I do not have to baby it the whole time...That probably explains my love of baking sourdough (when life slows a bit, I am contemplating a tutorial that makes the process as simple as I can).
Carrot Ginger Soup is perfect for this time of year...As I type it is dreary and rainy outside, a sure sign that Winter is looming. Soup is of course warming and ginger has natural warming properties. By the way, this is one of those recipes that is not clear cut, but more of a cooking process that I am hoping to explain so that you can adjust how you like.
First, decide on one television show you love (I watch only one per week, myself). While watching, peel and chunk up (about the size of a carrot stick from your fifth grade lunch pail) as many carrots as you can stopping when your fingers turn orange and put directly in your crock pot. Actually, I fill mine leaving 1 to 1.5 inches of space. So, for my 5 quart it took 5 pounds of carrots (so I am guessing you can estimate about 1 pound of carrots per quart of crock pot). Now, fill with either vege stock or plain water until the carrots are all just barely covered. If using plain water, add a spice ball with 1 Tablespoon Thyme, 4 bay leaves broken in half, and 20 peppercorns). Cook on low for 8 hours. My husband, D (he is a great sous chef), did all this the night before and refrigerated, so the next morning I basically just put the liner back in and turned on the crock pot. I did add 3 Tablespoons of grated ginger at this point. (If you are not a ginger lover add just 2 T at first reserving the other for adjusting the flavor when they are cooked) When carrots are tender, take out spice ball if you used it and add one can of coconut milk (do not use the light version. You will not taste coconut just get a creamy taste that hits your tongue right after the bright carrot flavor and pungent ginger) and 2-3 Tablespoons of brown sugar (please use real stuff. I have always enjoyed C & H pure cane sugar, affordable and yummy!). blend until smooth using either an immersion blender or a separate blender. I prefer the immersion type for ease of clean up and because its fun!
Eat as is, enjoying the beautiful orange hue or add a dollop of something creamy. We love homemade plain greek yogurt, but I imagine creme fraiche would put this over the top.
And please do not tell people just how easy this recipe is, but then you may need to change the name to something like Carrot Ala I am not so good at the fancy shmancy...I will stick to simplicity...
The Compromise: Orange fingers and so much yummy soup, you will begin contemplating a deep freezer purchase...mine is getting a little full....shhhh don't tell D.
The Sweet Reward: A healthy soup you really can not stop eating...serve it with good bread and everyone will be happy. I just made a new one, Swedish Limpa, which is a rye bread with orange rind, fennel, and caraway. One slice toasted with this soup and I could forget about the dreary outside for an evening :)
PS I think I have a photo somewhere, which I will attempt to locate when I have free hands again.....
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